Herbie the love bug's transport AL-NY June 2-3
reply to cherryharleytransports@fastmail.fm if you can drive a leg
please keep the subject line so I know which transport you are
volunteering for
Emily Cherry (cherryharley)
cherryharleytransports@fastmail.fm ( @ fastmail.fm)
please use email only as I work full-time
phone # for urgent contact and day of the run only: 334-587-3985
Leg you are volunteering for:
Nearest Large City:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Can you receive text messages?
Primary Email:
Secondary Email:
Do you have email access after 5 pm and on weekends?
Emergency Contact name and phone:
Vehicle Desc:
License Plate:
Suggested meeting place at the beginning of your leg:
Suggested meeting place at the end of your leg:
(I allow my drivers to choose meeting places that are convenient
for them)
How many dogs can you transport?
Do you have your own crates?
What other coordinators have you driven for?
I respond to ALL offers. If you offer and haven't heard back from
me in 24 hours, please resend your email.
Passengers: Herbie, Heather, Sassy, and Winnie
Winnie will travel in a 32 L x 22 W x 25 H crate
Heather will travel in a 28 L x 18 W x 18 H crate
Herbie will travel in a 28 L x 18 W x 18 H crate
Sassy will travel tethered
(Detailed Info on dogs at the bottom)
All passengers are going to fully screened and approved rescues
or adopters. No animals may be adopted off of a transport. If you
are interested in a particular pet you have driven, you MUST go
through the proper procedures and contact the rescue for an
application. Keeping a pet that does not belong to you is THEFT.
Route and Legs:
15 minutes has been added to each leg for water/potty breaks. All
legs are flexible. Please let me know if you need to change
anything. Also, I am not as young as I used to be. I make
mistakes. Please let me know if you catch any errors in this run sheet!
Overnighters/Fosters will bring dogs to Birmingham Sat morning
Saturday June 2, 2012
Leg 1 Filled, thanks Natalie and Dena!
Natalie can carry 2 dogs
Depart: Birmingham AL 8:30 am
Arrive: Athens AL 10:00 am
1 hour 30 min
Leg 2 Filled, thanks Natalie and Dena!
Depart: Athens AL 10:15 am
Arrive: Nashville TN 11:45 am
1 hour 30 min
Leg 3 Filled, thanks Taffy M!
Depart: Nashville TN 12:00 noon
Arrive: Bowling Green KY 1:00 pm
1 hour
Leg 4 Filled, thanks Taffy M!
Depart: Bowling Green KY 1:15 pm
Arrive: Elizabethtown KY 2:30 pm Central/3:30 pm Eastern
1 hour 15 min
Leg 5 Filled, thanks Cecilia L!
Depart: Elizabethtown 3:45 pm EST
Arrive: La Grange KY 5:00 pm
1 hour 15 min
Leg 6 Filled, thanks Paula and Natalie!
Depart: La Grange KY 5:15 pm
Arrive: Cincinnati OH 6:45 pm
1 hour 30 min
Overnight in Cincinnati OH Filled, thanks Carol R!
Sunday June 3, 2012
Leg 7 Filled, thanks Karyn S!
Depart: Cincinnati OH 9:00 am
Arrive: Grove City OH 10:30 am
1 hour 30 min
Leg 8 Filled, thanks Renee S!
Depart: Grove City OH 10:45 am
Arrive: Mansfield OH 11:45 am
1 hour
Leg 9 Filled!
Kim K can take Herbie and Winnie
Mary A can take Sassy and Heather
Depart: Mansfield OH 12:00 noon
Arrive: Mentor OH 1:30 pm
1 hour 30 min
(actually Barb can meet in Macedonia)
Leg 10 Filled, thanks Barb F!
Depart: Mentor OH 1:45 pm
Arrive: Erie PA 2:45 pm
1 hour
Leg 11 Filled, thanks Karen V and Suzanne Z!
Depart: Erie PA 3:00 pm
Arrive: Fredonia NY 4:00 pm
1 hour
Leg 12 Filled, thanks Karen V and Suzanne Z!
Depart: Fredonia NY 4:15 pm
Arrive: Cheektowaga NY 5:15 pm 5
1 hour
End of Transport
Passenger 1
Dog(s) or Cat(s):dog
Name - Herbie
Breed – Lab/Collie Mix?
Sex -M
Spayed/Neutered: Yes
Age – 5 months
Weight – 18.2 lbs
UTD on shots – Yes has had all 3 rounds of shots, last set was on
Rabies tag (must have tag or original certificate for transport
if old enough) -
Health Certificate (must have for transport across state lines) –
Yes will have
Treated for fleas/ticks (please make sure animals are parasite
free) – Yes
Dewormed – Yes
Microchipped - No
Temperment tested – Puppy
Ok with dogs - Yes
Ok with cats – unknown, living at clinic now, clinic does not
have cats to test with currently
Ok with kids - Yes
House trained – In progress
Crate trained – Yes
Will a crate be provided? – yes
Will a harness be provided? - Yes
(all dogs that will be walked must be wearing a martingale collar
or harness with the receiving's phone # on it)
Will a leash be sent with dog? (each dog must have his or her own
leash) - Yes
Other items provided – Food
Does dog ride well in car – yes
Special needs – n/a
Other information -
Reason for transport – Rescue placement.
Passenger 2
Dog(s) or Cat(s):dog
Name - Heather
Breed – Lab/Collie Mix?
Sex -F
Spayed/Neutered: Yes
Age – 5 months
Weight – 20 lbs
UTD on shots – Yes has had all 3 rounds of shots, last set was on
Rabies tag (must have tag or original certificate for transport
if old enough) -
Health Certificate (must have for transport across state lines) –
Yes will have
Treated for fleas/ticks (please make sure animals are parasite
free) – Yes
Dewormed – Yes
Microchipped - No
Temperment tested – Puppy
Ok with dogs - Yes
Ok with cats – unknown, living at clinic now, clinic does not
have cats to test with currently
Ok with kids - Yes
House trained – In progress
Crate trained – Yes
Will a crate be provided? – yes
Will a harness be provided? - Yes
(all dogs that will be walked must be wearing a martingale collar
or harness with the receiving's phone # on it)
Will a leash be sent with dog? (each dog must have his or her own
leash) - Yes
Other items provided – Food
Does dog ride well in car – yes
Special needs – n/a
Other information -
Reason for transport – Rescue placement.
Passenger 3
Dog(s) or Cat(s): Dog
Name – Sassy
Breed – Dalmatian/boxer
Sex – female
Spayed/Neutered (must be s/n for transport to adopter) – yes
Age – 5 1/2 to 6 years
Weight – 60 – 65 lbs.
UTD on age appropriate shots – yes
Rabies tag (must have tag or original certificate for transport
if old enough) – yes
Health Certificate (must have for transport across state lines) –
Treated for fleas/ticks (please make sure animals are parasite
free) – yes
Dewormed – yes
Temperment tested – Tested by receiving rescue
Ok with dogs – yes, except maybe other dominant ones, especially
Ok with cats – not recommended
Ok with kids – should be okay with older ones
House trained – not sure, has never lived inside
Crate trained – not sure, may not like to be confined
Will a crate be provided? – No
Will a harness be provided? – yes
(all dogs that will be walked must be wearing a martingale collar
or harness with the receiving's phone # on it)
Will a leash be sent with dog? (each dog must have his or her own
leash) – yes
Other items provided – paperwork, food for overnighting &
Does dog ride well in car – Yes
Special needs – Sassy is shy at first with strangers ~~ just talk
to her and pet her, give treats!
Other information –
Reason for transport – kill shelter to rescue
Passenger 4
Dog(s) or Cat(s): Dog
Name – Winnie
Breed – Rottweiler mix
Sex – female
Spayed/Neutered (must be s/n for transport to adopter) – to be
done by the receiving rescue
Age – approx. 1 1/2 to 2 years
Weight – approx. 45 lbs.
UTD on age appropriate shots – yes
Rabies tag (must have tag or original certificate for transport
if old enough) – yes
Health Certificate (must have for transport across state lines) –
Treated for fleas/ticks (please make sure animals are parasite
free) – yes
Dewormed – yes
Temperment tested – No, but gentle, friendly ~
Ok with dogs – yes
Ok with cats – does not seem aggressive with cats at clinic where
she has been boarded
Ok with kids – not tested, but probably would be
House trained – not sure
Crate trained – not sure
Will a crate be provided? – Yes
Dimensions of crate (LxWxH) – 32L x 22W x 25H
Will a harness be provided? – yes
(all dogs that will be walked must be wearing a martingale collar
or harness with the receiving's phone # on it)
Will a leash be sent with dog? (each dog must have his or her own
leash) – yes
Other items provided – paperwork, food for overnighting
Does dog ride well in car – will be crated
Special needs – Winnie has been treated for a skin condition of
unknown origin and cleared to come
Other information – Very nice dog, has lots of potential as a
companion for a family, with or without children.
Reason for transport – kill shelter to rescue
Sending Party for passengers 1 and 2 – Cahaba Mountain Brook
Animal Clinic
Is sending a shelter, rescue, foster or boarding facility?
Name of facility -CMBAC
Contact person -Natalie Reeves
Email address – isaveanimals@gmail.com
Do you have email access after 5 and on weekends - Yes
Sending for passengers 3 & 4
Is sending a shelter, rescue, foster or boarding
facility? Shelter
Name of facility - Monroe County Animal Shelter
Website - www.petfinder.org/shelters/AL98.html
Contact person - Sarah Dyess
Physical address - provided to drivers only
City, St, Zip - Monroeville, AL 36460
Home or business phone - provided to drivers only
Cell or after hours phone - provided to drivers only
Can you receive text messages - No
Email address - sdyess@frontiernet.net
Do you have email access after 5 and on weekends - yes
For rescues, do you do home checks before adoption - N/A
Do you spay or neuter before adoptions - no, but adopters sign
contracts & receive vouchers
Are you a 501(c)3 - no, ours is a publicly funded facility
Receiving Rescue for all pups
Name of facility - Akron Canine Rescued Angels, Inc
Website - http://www.akroncaninerescuedangels.org/
Contact person - Beverlee Richards or Joie Celano
Physical address - provided to drivers only
City, St, Zip - Akron, NY 14001
Home phone - n/a
Cell phone - provided to drivers only
Can you receive text messages - yes
Email address - rescuedangels@gmail.com
Do you have email access after 5 pm and on weekends - yes
Vet reference - provided to coordinator only
Personal reference - provided to coordinator only
Distance willing to drive - must do at least the last leg - yes
Suggested meeting place - provided to drivers only
Emergency contact with phone number - provided to drivers only
For adopter, was a home check done - yes
For rescues, do you do home checks before adoption - yes and vet
Do you spay or neuter before adoptions - if dog is old enough,
if not, we do a foster to adopt form, holding onto the ownership
of the pup until altered.
Are you a 501(c)3 - yes