This plea went out last week and New Beginnings has stepped up to
take in this poor boy. Please drive a leg if you can. We want to
get him moved this coming weekend.
>>Please help Dylan. Although he looks old, he is 23 months old.
He enjoyed his time outside today even though it meant a bath but
I'm sure he feels better. I bathed him with flea and tick
shampoo first and then emu oil shampoo. He is such a sweetie and
inspite of all this, he's happy. Happy to be fed and petted and
inside out of the elements I'm sure. After his bath I misted him
with flea and tick spray to try and kill off the rest of the
ticks. I didn't get him HW tested yet, it would be a miracle if
he is negative but he couldn't withstand the traditonal treatment
anyway right now. If i had anywhere to put him I would have
taken him home today, but I don't and right now I don't need
another dog to take care of.
If anyone can help, please call or email the shelter ASAP and cc
me so I know what's going on with him. I really want him to get
out of the shelter and find someone who will love him and care
for him as he should have been cared for. We tracked down the
former owner through his rabies tag, she gave the dog away and
doesn't know to who. She has not called about him or come to see
him even though we told her he was not in good shape.<<
Now that New Begginings will accept Dylan, we need to get him to
them ASAP!
Emily Cherry (cherryharley) 334-787-5590 ( @
***please email all offers or questions as I work full-time**
Crossposting Appreciated but not to craigslist
current updates to this transport can be found
Day and Leg(s) you are offering to take:
How many dogs can you transport:
If you have not driven for me previously, please fill out
Home #
Cell #
Can you receive text messages?
Do you have email access after 5 pm and on weekends?
Emergency Contact phone #
Vehicle Desc:
License Plate #
Suggested meeting place at the beginning of your leg:
Suggested meeting place at the end of your leg:
I respond to ALL offers. If you offer and haven't heard back from
me in 24 hours, please resend your email.
Passengers: Dylan, a GSD
(Detailed Info at the bottom)
**Route and Legs**
15 minutes has been added to each leg for water/potty breaks
All legs are flexible! Please let me know if you need to change
anything! Also, I am not as young as I used to be. I make
mistakes. Please let me know if you catch any errors in this run
Saturday Aug 20, 2011
Leg 1 Filled by MHS
Depart: Montgomery AL 9:00 am
Arrive: Opelika AL 10:00 am
1 hour
Leg 2 Filled, thanks Phylis and Diana!
Depart: Opelika AL 10:15 am
Arrive: Newnan GA 12:15 pm (time change)
1 hour
Leg 3 Filled, thanks Erica!
Depart: Newnan GA 12:30 pm
Arrive: Norcross GA 1:30 pm
1 hour
Leg 4 Filled, thanks Susan N!
Depart: Norcross GA 1:45 pm
Arrive: Commerce GA 2:45 pm
1 hour
Leg 5 Filled, thanks Tim C!
Depart: Commercer GA 3:00 pm
Arrive: Anderson SC 4:00 pm
1 hour
Leg 6 Filled, thanks Michelle!
Depart: Anderson SC 4:15 pm
Arrive: Clinton SC 5:15 pm
1 hour
Leg 7 Filled, thanks Bob!
Depart: Clinton SC 5:30 pm
Arrive: Columbia SC 6:30 pm
1 hour
Leg 8 Filled, thanks Kyle R!
Depart: Columbia SC 6:45 pm
Arrive: Holly Hill SC
1 hour 15 min
End of Transport
THE FINE PRINT: As a volunteer transport coordinator, I am
dependent on what the senders tell me about our passengers'
temperaments, The very nature of rescue transport creates some
risk for those who participate in it; even a good-natured dog may
find it stressful to be passed from stranger to stranger and
cooped up with unfamiliar dogs, and in consequence may act in
uncharacteristic ways. Neither I nor anyone associated with this
transport can accept liability for any accidents or incidents
that may occur during the transport.
Dog(s) or Cat(s): Dog
Name - Dylan
Breed -GSD
Sex -M
Spayed/Neutered (must be s/n for transport to adopter) - Yes
Age -23 mos
Weight - very underweight
UTD on shots -Yes
Rabies tag (must have tag or original certificate for transport)
- will have
Health Certificate (must have for transport across state lines) -
will have
Treated for fleas/ticks (please make sure animals are parasite
free) - Yes. He will be given a capstar and advantage. I bathed
him in flea and tick shampoo and then sprayed some flea and tick
spray on him to kill the ticks.
Dewormed -Yes
Microchipped -Yes
Temperment tested -Yes as well as can be done in his condition
Ok with dogs - Unknown
Ok with cats -Unknown
Ok with kids -Unknown
House trained -Unknown
Crate trained -Unknown
Will a crate be provided? (all cats must be sent in a crate with
room to move about and a small litter box) - NO
Will a martingale collar be provided? -Yes
Will a harness be provided? (all dogs must be wearing a
martingale collar or harness) -Yes if he can't wear a collar
Will a leash be sent with dog? (each dog must have his or her own
leash) -yes
Other items provided -
Does dog ride well in car -Unknown
Special needs -Emaciated, and has demodec mange.
Other information -Dylan was picked up as a stray in very bad
condition. Little is known about him. He is very sweet but
might be a little grabby with treats or food (understandably) He
will be on anitibiotics while he's at the shelter. I may try to
get a vet to prescribe him some so they can go with him and be
continued after he leaves the shelter.
Reason for transport -Shelter to rescue
Photo link (please attach a photo if no link available) -
Sending Party
Is sending a shelter, rescue, foster or boarding facility?
Name of Facility - Montgomery Humane Society
Contact person -Kristian Grace or Dawn Knight
Physical address -1150 John Overton Drive
City, St, Zip -Montgomery, AL 36110
Home or business phone -334 409-0622 (shelter)
Cell or after hours phone -
Can you receive text messages -
Email address (Dawn) or (Kristian)
Do you have email access after 5 and on weekends -yes
Receiving Party
Is receiving a rescue, foster, or adopter? Rescue
Name of facility - New Beginnings Shepherd Rescue, Inc.
Website -
Contact person - Julie Rollison
Physical address - provided to coordinator/drivers only
City, St, Zip - Holly Hill, SC 29059
Home phone - provided to coodinator/drivers only
Cell phone - provided to coordinator/drivers only
Can you receive text messages - Text to my email address please
Email address -
Do you have email access after 5 pm and on weekends - Same
Vet reference - Our group uses several as we have 3 locations now
Personal reference with phone number- provided to coordinator
Distance willing to drive - must do at least the last leg - I
think Michelle may be able to do this one, if not, I'm sure Barb
and Mark will meet
For rescues, do you do home checks before adoption - Yes
Do you spay or neuter before adoptions - Absolutely!
Please attach a copy of your adoption contract - I think you have
Are you a 501(c)3 - Yes