Emily Cherry (cherryharley) 334-744-5590
cherryharleytransports@yahoo.com ( @ yahoo.com)
***email preferred as I work full-time***
I respond to ALL offers. If you offer and haven't heard back from me in 24 hours, please resend as I may have missed your email
~~Crossposting Appreciated~~
current updates to this transport can be found at
Day and Leg(s) you are offering to take:
Home #
Cell #
Can you receive text messages?
Do you have email access after 5 pm and on weekends?
Emergency Contact phone #
Vehicle Desc:
License Plate #
Suggested meeting place at the beginning of your leg:
Suggested meeting place at the end of your leg:
Passengers: 2 border collie mixes
(Detailed Info at the bottom)
**Route and Legs**
Saturday March 26, 2011
15 minutes has been added to each leg for water/potty breaks
All legs are flexible! Please let me know if you need to change anything! Also,
I am not as young as I used to be. I make mistakes. Please let me know if you
catch any errors in this run sheet!
Leg 1 Filled, thanks Heather!
Depart: Franklin GA 9:00 am
Arrive: Atlanta GA 10:15 am
1 hour 15 min
Leg 2 Filled!
Depart: Atlanta GA 10:30 am
Arrive: Commerce GA 11:45 am
1 hour 15 min
Leg 3 Filled, thanks Don!
Depart: Commerce GA 12 noon
Arrive: Anderson SC 12:45 pm
45 min
Leg 3a Filled, thanks Michelle!
Depart: Anderson SC 12:50
Arrive: Greenville SC 1:15 pm
25 min
Leg 4 Filled, thanks Anita!
Depart: Greenville SC 1:30 pm
Arrive: Charlotte NC 3:00 pm
1 hour 30 min
Leg 5 Filled, thanks Patty!
Depart: Charlotte NC 3:15 pm
Arrive: Elkin NC 4:30 pm
1 hour 15 min
Leg 6 Filled!
Depart: Elkin NC 4:45 pm
Arrive: Pulaski VA 6:00 pm
1 hour 15 min
Leg 7 Filled, thanks Lisa!
Depart: Pulaski VA 6:15 pm
Arrive: Roanoke VA 7:15 pm
1 hour
Overnight in Roanoke VA, filled thanks Julie!
Sunday March 27, 2011
Leg 8 Filled, thanks Michelle!
Depart: Roanoke VA 8:00 am
Arrive: Lexington VA 9:00 am
1 hour
Leg 9 Filled, thanks Marcia!
Depart: Lexington VA 9:15 am
Arrive: Harrisonburg VA 10:15 am
1 hour
Leg 10 Filled, thanks Devon!
Depart: Harrisonburg VA 10:30 am
Arrive: Strasburg VA 11:30 am
1 hour
Leg 11 Filled, thanks Mike!
Depart: Strasburg VA 11:45 am
Arrive: Hagerstown MD 12:45 pm
1 hour
Leg 12 Filled, thanks Becca and Rodney! (and BIG thanks to Nils for last minute driving!)
Depart: Hagerstown MD 1:00 pm
Arrive: Harrisburg PA 2:15 pm
1 hour 15 min
Leg 13 Filled, thanks Margaret!
Depart: Harrisburg PA 2:30 pm
Arrive: Frackville PA 3:30 pm
1 hour
Leg 14 Filled, thanks Margaret!
Depart: Frackville PA 3:30 pm
Arrive: Scranton PA 4:45 pm
1 hour 15 min
Leg 15 Filled, thanks Jack and Lucie!
Depart: Scranton PA 5:00 pm
Arrive: Binghamton NY 6:15 pm
1 hour 15 min
Leg 16 Filled, thanks Bryan!
Depart: Binghamton NY 6:30 pm
Arrive: Schenectady NY 8:30 pm
2 hours
End of Transport
THE FINE PRINT: As a volunteer transport coordinator, I am dependent on what the
senders tell me about our passengers' temperaments, The very nature of rescue
transport creates some risk for those who participate in it; even a good-natured
dog may find it stressful to be passed from stranger to stranger and cooped up
with unfamiliar dogs, and in consequence may act in uncharacteristic ways.
Neither I nor anyone associated with this transport can accept liability for any
accidents or incidents that may occur during the transport.
Dog(s) 2 dogs
Name -No Names
Breed - Lab And Border Collie Mixes
Sex - M
Spayed/Neutered (must be s/n for transport to adopter) - yes
Age - App 1.5 and 1 yrs
Weight -around 25 lbs
UTD on shots - yes
Rabies tag (must have tag or original certificate for transport) - yes
Health Certificate (must have for transport across state lines) - yes
Ok with dogs -Yes
Ok with cats -?
Ok with kids -?
House trained -?
Crate trained -?
Will a crate be provided -No
Other items provided - ?
Does dog ride well in car -?
Special needs -?
Other information -?
Reason for transport - Rescue from shelter in GA
Photo link (please attach a photo if no link available) -Dog #'s20011 & 20411 at
Heard Cty Shelter Franklin Ga 30217
Sending Party
Is sending a shelter, rescue, foster or boarding facility? shelter
Name of facility - Heard County Animal Control
Website - http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/GA430.html
Contact person - Kaylene or Angela
Physical address -11818 Ga Hwy 100
City, St, Zip - Franklin Ga 30217
Business phone -706 673 3570
Email address - heardcountyanima@bellsouth.net
Do you have email access after 5 and on weekends - no
Receiving Party - Bryan Hodorow
Is receiving a rescue, foster, or adopter? Adopter
Contact person - Bryan Hodorow
Physical address - provided to coordinator/drivers only
City, St, Zip -Schenectady New York 12306
Home phone - provided to coordinator/drivers only
Cell phone - provided to coordinator/drivers only
Can you receive text messages -No
Email address -Polbear518@aol.com
Do you have email access after 5 pm and on weekends -Yes
Vet reference - provided to coordinator/drivers only
Personal reference with phone number- provided to coordinator/drivers only
Distance willing to drive - must do at least the last leg -200 Miles
For adopter a home check must be done - has this been done? - yes