Lilly's transport St Joseph MO to Morley MI Feb 26, 2011
Emily Cherry (cherryharley) 334-744-5590 ( @
***email preferred as I work full-time***
I respond to ALL offers. If you offer and haven't heard back from me in 24 hours, please resend as I may have missed your email
~~Crossposting Appreciated~~
current updates to this transport can be found at
Day and Leg(s) you are offering to take: End of Transport
Home #
Cell #
Can you receive text messages?
Do you have email access after 5 pm and on weekends?
Emergency Contact phone #
Vehicle Desc:
License Plate #
Suggested meeting place at the beginning of your leg:
Suggested meeting place at the end of your leg:
Passengers: Lilly, a miniature dachshund
(Detailed Info at the bottom)
**Route and Legs**
Saturday Feb 19, 2011
15 minutes has been added to each leg for water/potty breaks
All legs are flexible! Please let me know if you need to change anything!
Leg 1 Filled, thanks Luci!
Depart: St Joseph MO 8:00 am
Arrive: Brookfield MO 9:45 am
1 hour 45 min
Leg 2 Filled, thanks Jody!
Depart: Brookfield MO 10:00 am
Arrive: Hannibal MO 11:45 am
1 hour 45 min
Leg 3 Filled, thanks Linda!
Depart: Hannibal MO 12:00 noon
Arrive: Springfield IL 1:30 pm
1 hour 30 min
Leg 4 Filled, thanks Judy!
Depart: Springfield IL 1:45 pm
Arrive: Normal IL 3:00 pm
1 hour 15 min
Leg 5 Filled, thanks Caty!
Depart: Normal IL 3:15 pm
Arrive: Joliet IL 4:45 pm
1 hour 30 min
Leg 6 Filled, thanks Pam!
Depart: Joliet IL 5:00 pm
Arrive: Michigan City IN 6:15 pm
1 hour 15 min
Leg 7 Filled, thanks Liesza!
Depart: Michigan City IN 6:30 pm
Arrive: Holland MI 8:00 pm
1 hour 30 min
Leg 8 Filled, thanks Liesza!
Depart: Holland MI 8:15 pm
Arrive: Morley MI 9:30 pm
1 hour 15 min
THE FINE PRINT: As a volunteer transport coordinator, I am dependent on what the
senders tell me about our passengers' temperaments, The very nature of rescue
transport creates some risk for those who participate in it; even a good-natured
dog may find it stressful to be passed from stranger to stranger and cooped up
with unfamiliar dogs, and in consequence may act in uncharacteristic ways.
Neither I nor anyone associated with this transport can accept liability for any
accidents or incidents that may occur during the transport.
Dog(s) or Cat(s): One Dog
Name - Lilly
Breed - Miniature Dachshund
Sex - F
Spayed/Neutered - Spayed
Age – approximately 6 yrs old.
Weight – 11.4 pounds
UTD on shots – yes
Rabies tag - yes
Health Certificate – yes
Dewormed – yes.
Treated for fleas/ticks - yes
Microchipped -no
Temperment tested - no
Ok with dogs – after initial meeting
Ok with cats - unknown
Ok with kids – unfriendly, but does not bite (will hide).
House trained - yes, but is stubborn.
Crate trained - yes
Will a crate be provided - Yes
Note: a martingale collar or harness AND a leash must be sent with the dog
please confirm this will be provided by sending
Other items provided –( Leash, Collar, Vet Records, care package of personal
Does dog ride well in car – yes
Special needs – none.
Other information –Puppy Mill Survivor. Fearfull and Timid
Reason for transport – Current Owner No Longer Able to Care For Her
Sending Party
Is sending a shelter, rescue, foster or boarding facility? No
Name of facility – Private Home
Website -
Contact person – Luci Gnitt
Physical address – provided to drivers/coordinator only
City, St, Zip – St. Joseph, MO 64504
Home or business phone – provided to drivers/coordinator only
Cell or after hours phone – same as above
Can you receive text messages -yes
Email address -
Do you have email access after 5 and on weekends -yes
Receiving Party
Is resceiving a rescue, foster, or adopter? Adopter
Note: Home check was done and provided to transport coordinator
Contact person – Liesza Vera
Physical address - provided to drivers/coordinator only
City, St, Zip –Morley MI 49336
Home phone –provided to drivers/coordinator only
Cell phone -Same
Can you receive text messages -Yes
Email address –
Do you have email access after 5 pm and on weekends –Yes, Same
Vet reference –provided to drivers/coordinator only
Personal reference –provided to drivers/coordinator only
Distance willing to drive - must do at least the last leg –Benton Harbor/ Paw
Paw Area?
Vehicle – Will Depend on Weather
Plates -
Suggested meeting place -
Emergency contact with phone number –provided to drivers/coordinator only